There is nothing better than having a baby. I’ll never forget when my sweet little boy was born. Full head of hair. I was so proud! But the hair kept growing. And growing. And growing. It grew pretty long pretty fast. It became apparent early on that the general public thought I was carrying around a little girl, not boy. I never dressed him in pink. I never put any bows or headbands in his hair. I dressed him in boy’s clothes. Yet everyone thought he was a girl. Because he had hair. He was born with nice hair.
14 months later my daughter came into the world. With hardly any hair. It is growing, slowly. I dress her in pink. And the majority of strangers tell me how beautiful my baby BOY is. The other day I was at Michael’s picking up some craft supplies when a complete stranger gasped and said, “Wow, HE is gorgeous!” This was taken right before that happened.
I’m sorry, but I just don’t see how THAT looks like a BOY! Leopard print leggings and floral shoes?! Hmm.
Some moms make it super obvious. Some pierce their baby’s ears, or put bows and headbands in their hair. But, some babies just pull those things right off of their head as soon as you put them on, so it can make it difficult to tell the difference.
Please, on behalf of the mommies with babies, be a little more careful about your use of pronouns. I’m going to make this simple for you. Here are two, yes, only two ways to help you figure out if you’re looking at a sweet baby boy or girl.
1. Clothing. Examine the child’s clothing carefully. What is the color scheme? Do you see a baseball or bows? Pink or blue? This is really simple. Just look at the clothes. NOT the hair. This is the MOST overlooked clue. Please pay attention to the clothing.
2. Ask how old the baby is. Just kindly ask, “How old is your baby?” The parent is not going to respond, “IT is six months old.” No, they will use a pronoun, such as “HE is…SHE is… Instant giveaway.
That’s it. Just remember these two things and you won’t have to make a parent feel bad thinking their baby looks like the opposite sex. Please and THANK YOU!